
The judges for this event are:

USCA & SV Licensed Trial and Performance Judge, Nathaniel Roque, USCA Director of Judges

During his more than 25 years of involvement in Schutzhund / Working Dog Sport, Nathaniel has earned titles on more than fourteen (14) dogs. Including Handler Owner Trained (HOT) from Bh to SchH / IPO3, FH, FH2. To date he has entered and competed in hundreds of United Schutzhund Clubs of America Trials with his dogs at the club, regional and national level, 2002 & 2007 Southwest Regional SchH 3 Champion, 2002 USCA Universal Sieger, 100 pt “V” FH and awarded the first 100 pt “V”FH2 title in the USCA. He has competed many times in the: USCA GSD National, North American, Working Dog Championship, USA German Shepherd Dog Qualifier and FH Championships, USCA Regionals (2time Regional Champion in the SW, NM, NE Regions ), Nathaniel earned: Schutzhund 3 Club, USCA Bronze, Silver, Gold and Master Sports Medals in his first five years of membership. He is currently training a HOT GSD that should earn titles in 2023-2024


He has been active in USCA at all levels, Vice President, Regional Director, EB Member at Large, Helper Program Director, Teaching Helper and Tracklayer and Trial/Performance Judge, from 2009 to present Director of Judges, Training Director / Helper for Southwest Working Dog Association for the past 18 years and has helped members to earn more than 200 titles including many new SchH 3 Club Members.


Since receiving his judges’ licenses, USCA 2002, SV 2010, he has judged thousands of dog/ handler teams competing in hundreds of events at club and championship levels to include more than 20 USCA Regional and National Championships, 2 AWDF Championships, AWMA Championship and 2 WUSV World Championships.




USCA Robert Johantgen (Tracking)